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A Great Step Forward for the RSP

calendar_monthMay 02, 2013

A Great Step Forward for the RSP

HEPCA is extremely pleased with the recent decision by the Red Sea Protectorates to appoint Yasser Saieed as the head of the Northern Sector of the Red Sea National Parks, and Mohamed Gad as the head of the Southern Sector of the Red Sea National Parks. Dr. Khaled Fahmy, minister of environment, recently issued the decree appointing both gentlemen to their new posts. We would like to commend this decision by the minister of environment and also want to congratulate both Mohamed Gad and Yasser Saieed. HEPCA would like to thank the minister of environment for taking serious measures to ensure that we have a dynamic and progressive management team overseeing our national park. We are in full support of these strategic changes and are very optimistic about the future direction of the RSP. We've been in desperate need of an intervention to prevent the deteriorating performance of the NPA over the past years, particularly in the south. These changes are an indicator that the NPA is committed to improving its performance and assigning the qualified personal that this critical position requires. HEPCA looks forward to opening up a new chapter of cooperation between us and the RSP. On behalf of the Red Sea community we would like to once again recognize these achievements and you can count on our full support and cooperation. خطوة هامة لمحميات البحر الاحمر تلقينا اخر اخبار محميات البحر الاحمر بسعادة بالغة حيث تم تعيين السيد ياسر سعيد فى منصب مدير محميات الجزر الشماليه فى محافظه البحر الاحمر و السيد محمد جاد على تعينه مدير محميات جنوب البحر الاحمر ، و قد صدر القرار مؤخرا من السيد خالد فهمى – وزير الدوله لشؤون البيئه و تثنى الجمعية على قرار السيد الوزير و تتوجه بالتهنئة لكل منهما . كما تتوجه جمعيه هيبكا بالشكر للسيد وزير الدوله لشؤون البيئه على خطواته الجديه فى مجال حمايه البيئه. و تعلن هيبكا عن تأييدها الكامل لهذه الخطوات الجديدة لضمان الحفاظ على المحميات الطبيعيه تعتبر هذه التغيرات مؤشر على بدء عهد جديد من التعاون الجاد بين كل من هيبكا و القائمين على اداره المحميات الطبيعيه فى منطقه البحر الاحمر, و خاصه بعد ما وصلت اليه اداره المحميات سابقا من مستوى متدهور و خاصه فى المنطقة الجنوبية