Solid waste is any discarded or abandoned solid or semi-solid, non-soluble material of domestic, industrial, or commercial origin. Proper management of the disposed material reduces the impacts on health and environment, by properly disposing of polluting elements and by recovering utilizable resources from the solid waste.
Households, schools, hospitals, hotels, markets, shops, offices - everywhere we go we use, consume, or exploit something, which afterwards leaves waste remnants. Thing about all the waste just one individual is responsible for producing a day; a package, a peel, paper, cartons and bottles - all the little things we handle and eventually dispose of on a daily basis. One would be astonished by the amount of trash that we all produce. The city of Hurghada produces almost 300 tons of solid waste per day.
Below are brief statistics of the solid waste management and collection during the current period and how much this is saving the environment by reflecting the numbers to Birds, Food for animals, etc.