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Environmental Evening in Wadi Lahami

calendar_monthFebruary 04, 2017

Environmental Evening in Wadi Lahami

As a part of HEPCA`s continuous efforts to promote environmental awareness , an environmental evening was held at Wadi Lahami Eco-lodge on the 27th of January 2017 with the participation of more than 60 participants from Wadi Lahami Diving team and guests and a group of students from Utopia camps. The presentation discussed the Red Sea biodiversity and ecosystems , the environmental threats for the Red Sea corals and living resources , HEPCA`s environmental activities and conservation efforts that includes mooring systems ,coastal zone management, Dolphins observation code of conduct , shark`s fishing and protection ,sustainable fishing and fisheries management ,environmental tourism development and solid waste management. HEPCA would like to warmly thank all participants for their attendance and special thanks to Red Sea Diving Safari , Utopia Camps and Wadi Lahami Village for their continuous support towards the protection of the Res Sea's natural resources