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HEPCA 2011 Review - A Turtle-Tastic Year

calendar_monthJanuary 09, 2012

HEPCA 2011 Review - A Turtle-Tastic Year

In February 2011, HEPCA launched the first Red Sea Turtle Project in order to increase scientific knowledge of marine turtles and improve their conservation. In order to achieve its goals, HEPCA launched in 2011: Red Sea Turtles of the Southern Egyptian Red Sea: a research project aiming at estimating abundance and distribution of marine turtles in their feeding and nesting grounds. Here is a short summary of what was conducted: - Five field surveys, a total of 40 days at sea and 15 sites surveyed; - 453 sightings of marine turtles in their feeding grounds; - 19 tracks of nesting females on beaches in the Wadi El Gemal National Park; - A total turtle population estimated to be around 216 individuals; - The team snorkeled for more than 206 km and covered a total area of approx. 500 ha; - We provided internships and training for seven Egyptian students. TurtleWatch-Egypt: a project directed to dive centers that would like to be involved in the collection of marine turtle data. - Eight dive centers sending monthly updates; - 372 reports of turtle sightings; - 35 monitored dive sites on a weekly basis from Sharm El-Sheikh to Abu Ghosun; Red Sea Turtles Catalogue: this is the first catalogue compiled in the Red Sea and it was created thanks to the collaboration of dive centers and divers. - More than 500 pictures received from professional divers, dive centers and enthusiasts; - 30 individual turtles identified from 5 different sites; - More and more participants every week! Red Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage network: The stranding and salvage network relies on Red Sea users who were requested to report to HEPCA on dead or injured/sick marine turtles found stranded on the beach or at sea. - 8 reports of stranded/sick turtles received: six dead turtles and two sick ones; - Causes of mortality identified: diseases, drowning and directed fishery. HEPCA would like to thank all the individuals and dive centers that supported us in the field or by sharing their data.