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Saving a Sea Turtle!

calendar_monthMay 16, 2024

Saving a Sea Turtle!

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, we quickly contacted the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) authorities to ensure that the turtle received the medical attention it desperately needed. The turtle was then transferred to the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), where a team of dedicated marine biologists and veterinarians began its rehabilitation process.

For several weeks, the turtle was carefully monitored and treated. The team at IMS provided round-the-clock care, ensuring that the turtle was fed, hydrated, and kept in an environment conducive to healing. The collaborative efforts of HEPCA supervision by Prof. Mahmoud Hanafy, MPAs and Turtle Watch Egypt 2.0 made a significant difference in the turtle's recovery journey.

After extensive care and observation, the day finally came when the sea turtle was strong enough to return to its natural habitat. On a bright morning, with the waves gently lapping the shore, the turtle was released back into the warm waters of the Red Sea. Watching it swim away, strong and free, was a moment of triumph and a testament to the power of conservation efforts.

This successful rescue highlights the importance of quick response, effective collaboration, and the relentless commitment of all involved in marine conservation. At HEPCA, we are proud to have played a role in giving this sea turtle a second chance at life. We are also grateful for the support and vigilance of the community members and organizations like Coral Garden Resort and Dive Center, who are our partners in protecting the precious marine life of the Red Sea.

As we celebrate this victory, we remain vigilant, knowing that every sea turtle, every creature, and every piece of the marine ecosystem is vital. HEPCA will continue to work tirelessly to protect and preserve the beauty and biodiversity of the Red Sea.